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Enhanced management of gonads

Main application group:

1, husband and wife life is not harmonious, no orgasm, no desire, sexual apathy

2, women: cold hands and feet palace cold people, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, menstrual clots, less menstruation, dripping, easy to fatigue people

3, men: reduced sexual desire, sexual apathy, morning decline, the number of sexual impulses significantly reduced, impotence premature ejaculation。

Operating position:

Lower abdomen, inguinal lymph, medial thigh lymph

Principle of action:

Source Code self balancing cream, rich in Direed extract, rose polyphenols, grapefruit extract, vitaminsEPomegranate seed extract, etc., through advancedGTCarrier penetration technology, after absorption by the human body, stimulate the gonads to secrete their own required hormones, nourish and repair the aging ovaries and testicles, making them energetic, vibrant, harmonious sexual life, and return to sexual happiness。

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